Tuesday, September 9, 2008

No Two Bipolars Are Built The Same

I write my blog from the perspective of me, and how bipolar affects me. Your friend Joe might not have the same symptoms as I do.
In fact, since this is a blog about bipolar success, you won't read much about my symptoms, I am usually able to keep the most severe symptoms in check.

No two bipolars are the same. Some suffer more with depression, other with the mania. There are rapid cyclers and slow cyclers.

Also remember that there is a personality under the bipolar. I would like to think that under the bipolar, I have a wonderful personality. There are some bipolars that I know who have horrible personalities under/or with their bipolar.

Some bipolars suffer from other things as well- addictions, poverty, OCD, and so on.

A bipolar friend of mine was on an upward swing for over two years. He was able to build up his business and make nearly 200,000 per year. Now that is success! But life finally sent him a new card, and he crashed. He lost everything. He is now in and out of psy hospitals. I have never been quite as high as him, nor quite as low. But, we suffer from the same illness, and illness where you can never trust your own mind.

With bipolar, mind over matter does not always work. At times I feel my mind is broken. We all handle that in different ways.

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