Tuesday, September 9, 2008

To tell or not to tell, that is the question.

I just read an interesting post- To Tell or Not To Tell
I Am Bipolar writes, "Like anything that is considered taboo, bipolar disorder holds a perception within its name that when released on the average ear it is feared, misunderstood and bent completely out of context. "
Read move of the Pro's and Con's. Very well written. To Tell Or Not To Tell


moodypenguin said...

may I ask why it was interesting to you?
have you resolved your own struggles with the question "to tell or not to tell?"

Amy said...

Hi Moody Penguin!
I am glad to see you are the very first follower of my blog. I hope you stay a fan. I thrive on positive feedback! It keeps me motivated to keep on writing.

I very, very rarely tell anyone that I have bipolar. My experience is that most people will simply use it against you at some point.

You must completly trust someone to tell them.

There are some people that you really have no choice but to tell them. They need to know. Your husband, your children, your best friend, your parents. I think these people need to understand what the heck is going on, because they love you and want to help you.

I would use extreme caution about telling employers or coworkers about your bipolar. Bipolar is largely misunderstood and feared. Besides, people can just be plain cruel. Why give them amo?
In a pinch, I have told employers that I am being treated for "depression". That never seems to be a problem. It is that WORD- BIPOLAR, that scares the heck out of people.

Telling people that you take meds for "Depression" is usually ok (in my experience). Almost everyone knows someone that gets depressed. In fact, people are often nicer to you when you tell them that.