Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Promise

This is not another depressing website about being Bipolar. My promise to you is that I will focus on the positives of being bipolar.

This blog is about hope. Hope for me, and hope for everyone else who is bipolar. Tricks of the trade, if you may.

I am Bipolar and Successful! I have a job, a car, a husband, and a house. I take care of myself, do the best I can- and that is my definition of success.

Sometimes I throw myself a pity party. These pity parties sometimes last for a day, sometimes a month. But, when I am finally able to break out of my funk- I keep on swimming. I make amends, move on, and forgive myself.

1 comment:

moodypenguin said...

wow... I like it!
I'm tired of those depressing websites...
I'm considered "high functioning" and really want to hear about people getting on with their lives... but man, that stuff is hard to find in the blogosphere- good on you for creating it!