Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Making Bipolar Work For You

Come on people! Bipolar isn't a death sentence. You can make it work for you. Many Famous People have/had bipolar disorder. Some of my personal favorites on this list are Kay Redfield Jamison, Lord Byron, Carrie Fisher, Ernest Hemingway, Edger Allan Poe, and Axl Rose. (And we all still wonder about Britney Spears)
But hey, these are my favorites- the list is long- read it. The List is from Wikipedia, so if you know of more, you can edit it for us all to read. History is just loaded with creative bipolars.

Use your bipolar talents for good, and not evil. Embrace modern science, and continue to search for your own best treatment.
Don't be discouraged by statistics and sad stories. There are many closet-bipolars out there living successful lives, it is STIGMA that keeps them quiet.

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