Monday, December 7, 2009

Bipolar, Build a Safety Net

Everytime I'm put on a new medication and it works, I think "I'm Cured!". I should know better by now, I've been battling bipolar mood swings for 25 years. It's been ten years since my last major breakdown, one so severe I could not work for months. Yet, there have still been many bumps along the way. It was blind luck that prevented me from losing my home during my last major bout of depression. Somehow I managed to get unemployment, and a kind neighbor became my friend.

Hopefully you will never have a complete breakdown. Hopefully, You will never become too ill to work. The government won't step in to help you until you've lost everything, trust me I've seen it first hand. Build some sort of safety net for yourself. Create a "What If" plan.

As for me, I try to pay my major bills at least three months in advance. Although I'm doing well and can afford more, I keep my liabilities modest. Friends who earn less, own more. But, I can not risk living paycheck to paycheck.

Some promotions I've passed by. I know my limits. When I'm doing well, I work to expand and improve my skills instead.

When living with bipolar, it's best to play it safe. I've watched my bipolar friends thrive and then fall. I chose to stay away from the ledge.

Some of my bipolar friends have given up. They are afraid to try at all. They say it's easier to collect disability. I understand that seems to be playing it safe. But, it's important to stay competitive and know how to provide for yourself. What the government gives, they can take away, and I've seen that first hand as well.

I know it seems that you have to try three times harder than anyone else. In many ways, you do. Despite these challengeges, you can build a happy and comforable life for yourself.


Wendy Love said...

I know that feeling every time you try a new medication. I always 'hope' I am cured but I never am since I seem to be medication resistent, but I do keep trying! I like your idea of planning ahead for any possible crisis. You are right. We can lead productive lives, some of us more than others. Are you going to get specific and tell us how?

Amy said...

I'm still on my own journey.
But, I will share my successes as they come.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this blog. I'm hoping my successes can be found in keeping my life on track. It's so much effort and I feel like cracking everyday, but I strive on. Thanks.