Friday, November 15, 2013

Bipolar - How to Lose Weight When Bipolar

It is really hard to maintain your weight when bipolar, but NOT impossible.  I've got this.  Three years into my journey and 40 pounds lighter, it's time for me to talk about this.  In my teen years- the years when the highs and lows of  my bipolar were most extreme- I weighed 90 pounds which is at least 15 pounds under weight.   Three years ago,  I was double that, at 182 pounds.   I was 50 pounds overweight.   The pounds snuck up on me, yo-yoed  up and down, and once I got stable, they stuck with me.

There were many things that contributed to my weight gain, not all can be blamed on bipolar. Medication changes usually caused weight gain.  I gained 10 pounds on Depakote, and didn't lose it when I went off it.  Stress, depression, and a lack of coping skills contributed to weight gain.  I didn't exercise when I was depressed.  I ate cookies and cupcakes to make myself feel better.  When stressed I drank a lot of wine.  I gained 20 pounds when I quit smoking. (Don't let this be an excuse to keep smoking!  Best thing I ever did!).  See how this is adding up?

I didn't even consider it an issue until I couldn't squeeze into my size 14's and had to venture into a plus size store.  By then I was having trouble bending down to tie my shoes.   Exercise was difficult because my thighs  rubbed together when I walked.  I decided it was time to really get a grip.     I had no idea where to start. 
So what did I do?    I changed my lifestyle.  I didn't do all these things at once.  I did it a little at a time, bit by bit.  The top five things that have helped:
1.)  I detoxed from cookies, candy, and cake.  I got it all out of the house.  I don't care if it's buy one get one free.  I don't need it.  (I still sneak in a piece of chocolate every day!)
2.)  I quit eating out.  I was eating out all the time.  I was addicted to restaurant food, fast food, unhealthy food.  Look up how many calories are in your favorite foods.  Holy Smokes! 
3.)  I ate a LOT of Subway.  I still do.  Skip the sauce, and you can get a six inch sandwich for about 300 calories.  Don't let them put any sauce on your sandwich.  Ask for a light mayo packet on the side.  I travel a lot, so this is a life saver.
4.)  I track calories.  I write down everything I eat.  I used to keep a notebook, but now use the "Lose It" app, which by the way is free.  This is the number one thing I do that helps.
5.)  I started exercising again.  Like I said, I was really out of shape, so it was a slow process.  First just a walk around the block.  Now I either walk or do yoga almost every night. 

I still need to get that last ten pounds off, so I am interested.  What are you doing to keep your weight in check? 


Anonymous said...

Hitting the gym and praying hard will help too. I think I lost 20 lbs. by running and going to the gym. Invest in a good trainer.

B said...

I'm bipolar as well and have always struggled with my weight. I eat when I'm depressed, even though I know it doesn't help! Working out always works for me though, it gives me that boost I need to get through the day sometimes. I love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Eat high-protein, low starch diet